Monday, September 18, 2006

Espírito da saudade...

Estou muito sentimentalista hoje...

Vou ter muitas saudades da UE...

Sinto um aperto na garganta...

Monday, September 11, 2006


We shall never forget.

No age for such things...

I'm packing... Or at least I was supposed to be packing...
I'm leaving home and for the first time I will be on my own... Only 100km from home...
My head is still spinning from everything but I haven't forgotten The Other Side of the Moon. I have the next chapter almost ready but since I still don't now how am I going to have access to internet there so...

How I'm to miss internet... One of my lastest passions is shoujo manga...

An image took from Akuma na Eros from mangaka Mayo Shinjo... Amazing!

But it is not only manga... I've discovered as well the shoujo anime and one particular series called Fushigi Yuugi, I think...

Nothing of this reaches our shores... So we ended discovering the wonders of the country of the samurais late in life...

No, I'm being cynical actually... We are never too late and never too early for anything, I've learnt that much...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

"Um homem, para ser verdadeiramente bom, deve imaginar intensa e compreensivamente; deve pôr-se no lugar de outrem e de muitos outros; as dores e prazeres da sua espécie devem tornar-se seus."

- Shelley, Defesa da Poesia

Quem mais...? O meu mentor no campo da imaginação...